
Start Here

Hi there, we're Isaiah and Gemma πŸ‘‹

Roman Catholic.

Husband and Wife + Parents.


On this website, you'll find links to Catholic prophecies, survival resources, commentaries, and more.

If you're a lapsed Catholic or if you're someone who's not open to the teachings of the Catholic Church, many of the things on this site won't make sense to you. But don't give up just yet. If you're a lapsed Catholic, go to the Sacraments and come back home. If you're someone who wishes to join the Catholic Church, contact your nearest parish and ask about RCIA. Get yourself a copy of the Catechism or read it all here. If you're someone who thinks that the Catholic Church is a joke and/or that this whole thing is a joke, know that you're in our prayers. God does not wish for any of His children to perish (yes, including you).

Now, why would you need to know prophecies and survival supplies?

Because the end of this age is here, and the reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is upon us.

The Age of Peace.

You'll need to prepare yourself because this is not going to be an easy ride.

(Hint: The Warning)

This website is borne out of our desire to share God's Love.

Those with eyes to see and ears to hear, by the Grace of God, know that something is wrong.

We may not know exactly what's wrong, but in our heart of hearts, we know something is amiss and that something must be done.

As it happens, the Good Lord does not abandon His people.

We've been following and discerning Catholic prophecies for many years now.

As such, many of the major events that happened in the past few years did not come as a surprise for usβ€”rather we became witnesses to the fulfillment of God's Word.

It also meant that we were able to prepare: Materially, Spiritually, and Mentally.

That is what we want to give you, Catholic brethren.

And this site will be one of the resources you can use to prepare yourself, your family, and perhaps even your community.

Now, all the key information we write here is available online.

All of it has been available online for years, for decades.

Publicly, for everyone to see.

It's not some secret map that only a small elite group can find.

But so very few are willing to take action and do what needs to be done.

You, on the other hand, found your place here.

It's up to you to read and discern.

Up to you to take action.

Do not be afraid.

You're in our prayers.

God bless you!