Supplies Checklist

Get what you can. God will take care of the rest. Be discrete. Do not draw attention to yourself and to what you have. Tell only people you trust, as needed.


How much supply do I need?
There's so much to get! What if I don't get it all in time?


  • Canned goods
  • Dry foods (like pasta, instant ramen)
  • Grains (rice, oatmeal)
  • Powdered/dehydrated food
  • Water; also consider getting purification systems like Life Straw


  • Multivitamins to help you keep your strength and immunity.
  • If you're taking any medications, see if you can get extra refills. If your insurance won't cover the cost of the extra refills, check free medicine discount programs like GoodRx.
  • Have a first aid kit ready.


  • Nothing fancy, just your basic soap, shampoo, toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, body wipes, baby powder, etc.
  • If there are women in your life of child-bearing age, make sure you have pads and/or tampons.